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Workplace Wellne$$: Healthy Employees Make Cents!

March 31, 2016

Workplace Wellne$$: Healthy Employees Make ¢ents!

Long hours, piles of paperwork, marathon meetings
Help your employees maintain a work/life balance

Did you know workplace stress is responsible for up to $190 billion in yearly health care costs in the U.S.? That's why stress is the No. 1 workforce health risk. It actually beats out obesity and physical inactivity. 70% of American employees consider the work place a significant source of stress and 51% reported job stress reduces productivity, according to a 2009 report. Too much stress reduces immunity to illness and increases the risk of weight gain and diabetes. The good news is there are things your employees can do to make a big difference in their well-being.

Show your employees how much you care by encouraging them to take care of their well-being. Help your employees learn how to deal with stress and what to do if they’re depressed or have an addiction. Health and wellness experts believe in a mind-body connection-That there’s a link between your mental health and your physical health, and vice versa. Stress, depression and addiction can affect your health. And your health can affect other parts of your life.


Too much stress can affect your health. Use the following tips to help keep stress from getting the best of you.

1. Mind your health

No one can completely avoid stress, but physical activity, good nutrition and plenty of rest can help you keep your energy level high and ready to face life’s challenges.

2. Reduce stressors

Make a list of the things in your life that cause you stress. Beside each one, write down one or two ways you can lessen the stress and then work toward those goals. If you have trouble finding solutions, talk with your doctor.

3. Plan ahead

Stress can be caused by having too many things to do, in too short a period of time. Instead, break larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks; delegate at work and at home when you can. Set priorities. Spend the most time on those things you feel are important and less time on things that are lower priorities.

4. Be positive

If you demand too much of yourself or let negative thoughts run through your mind, you’re setting yourself up for added stress. Each time this happens, take a minute to redirect your thoughts to something more positive.

5. Get away

When stress seems to be getting the better of you, take a break. Even a quick five-minute walk away from your office or home can help you relax.

6. Relax

Relaxation exercises, which combine deep breathing with releasing muscle tension, are simple to do anywhere and can help lessen the negative effects of a stressful situation. Talk with your doctor about stress reducing exercises and breathing techniques you can practice

Take time to check out Time Well Spent today. We've got you covered for all your workplace wellness needs. When employees feel good, they tend to perform better. That’s why most Chamber BlueOptions’ plans come with employee discounts on health products and services, as well as an online health and fitness program. Just contact your Anthem-appointed insurance producer for more information, or go to the Chamber’s BlueOptions web page ( to find a producer.


For more information on the Chamber BlueOptions health plan, please contact Amy Downing, program coordinator, at ext. 104 or Or contact Joyce LaRoche, executive director of the Maine State Chamber Purchasing Alliance, by calling (207) 623-4568, ext. 113, or by emailing .


*Resources provided by


** This information is intended for educational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as medical
advice.  Please consult your physician for advice about changes that may affect your health

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