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This 18-mile peninsula ends where one of the first colonies in the nation began. There, where the Kennebec River meets the Atlantic Ocean, English colonists landed in 1607, more than a century and a half before Washington Phippsburgcrossed the Delaware. Perhaps it was the broad, white beaches at Popham that first caught the eye of those courageous settlers, for nowhere else on the Maine coast are there beaches this smooth, this broad, and this beautiful.

Now protected as a state park, the beaches at Popham are the jewel in Phippsburg's collection of small, coastal villages that make up the historic, seafaring community - places with names such as Small Point, Gilbert Head, Seguin, Sebasco, Parker Head, West Point, Long Island and Phippsburg Center. These small, congenial and rural coastal villages that epitomize life at the edge of the Atlantic are truly genuine. For there is, still, in these pocket-size Maine communities, the essence of the coastal environment: the unspoiled beaches, the long reach of salt-marsh solitude, the eternal sound of breaking surf, and the soft song of the southwest wind as it moves the fragrance of spruce and pine the length of Phippsburg's saltwater settlements.

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